Running Total for 2007 as of February 12th - a minimum of


Individual Records Were Illegally Breached. The National Pandemic of Stupidity Continues... Are You on the List?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Breaches of Personal Data

One in three Americans the potential victim of Identity Theft in 2006. Now we are continuing to chronicle the breaches as they happen in 2007. Most all of these breaches involve the transport of portable unencrypted data being compromised through neglect, theft or outright stupidity on the part of the stewards of the data. Don't be a victim. Don't have to be the one that explains to your boss, your clients or worse even yet, a judge or jury that you did not take proper and adequate measures to protect valuable data with which you are entrusted.

ASG's ClipBio Pro and iQBioDrive provide encrypted fingerprint security for the safe storage and transport of private data. Our unique line of PC Peripherals and Client/Server security software allow system administrators to encrypt and store data using multi-factor authentication.

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